Another trip to Italy is in the books. This trip was a unique experience, authentic. I had the opportunity to visit an old friend and have her show me around her town. I visited local spots, met a lot of really great people my age, and had experiences I'm sure I would not have been able to have had I been guiding myself around the city.

A quintessential Italian skyline. Medieval architecture and red roofs all around, beautiful.

My wonderful host.
I met Flora when I was 17. She came to Pennsylvania as an exchange student and I got to share some of my home with her. She still talks about whoopee pies and corn bread. We haven't talked much since then, just kept up with each other on social media. I'm so glad that she invited me to see Bologna and that it was like no time had passed between us.
Bologna brought fun nights, beautiful sights, and so much eating...
Bologna is known as "la grassa" aka, "the fat one", aka "yum", aka "I will think about this food for the rest of my life."

This trip I decided to ditch the bus and live in luxury on the train. It was a wonderful decision. I was meant to travel by train, let me tell ya. Trains are comfortable and rarely crowded, and the views, wow. I could see the world through the window of a train.
It was a wonderful trip from start to finish.
How I'm Feeling: Very grateful of the hospitality of people and for the beauty in the world. Happy, full, tired.
What's next: I plan to enjoy springtime in Austria for a few weeks. Not sure where I'll end up next, but isn't that half the fun?